Sherwood is being reimagined as an outdoor plaza, to be known as SHERWOOD PLACE,  instead of an indoor mall.

We're not sure how this will impact walkers and exercise groups, but we want to be sure everyone has a safe - and dry - place to come in the morning, regardless of weather.


Please watch the mall walk calendars to discover changes in where/when some groups are meeting as changes are likely.

At Weberstown, for your safety, only ONE DOOR opens early -- 8 am.  Enter at Dillard's, by the Mall's beautiful mural.


Weberstown offers walkers a 1/2-mile long LOOP, including (optional) suggestions for a few calisthenics as you progress around the mall.

Thursday Buffet CANCELLED — new mask mandate

Here's grim reminder that Covid is still with us, and we're all in this together.

The buffet is being canceled, for now, because one of our members has been exposed and tested positive.

No reason to panic.

But every reason to play it even more safe until enough people are vaccinated to stop these variants.

Thank you to all who are vaccinated.

  • Get boosters too.
  • Wear masks.
  • Wash hands.
  • Think positive, and send positive thoughts to all who are
    still fighting this disease.

We will get through this with patience, and everyone doing their part.

Exercise groups are continuing.  Social distancing, please.

Be advised:

Tight fit, and please, cover both mouth and nose.  Be Safe!

Holiday Buffet with Covid Care

All are Invited

This year's holiday celebration is being hosted by Sifu Judy's group at the Sherwood Food Court on December 16.  While this is not exactly an exercise activity it's a great opportunity to get to know some of the people behind the faces we see so often.  We hope you'll join us.

Our hosts understand that Covid is still with us, and have suggestions (see below) for ways we can all help to make our event both joyful, and safe.  Please review the invitation and take special care to be part of the solution :-).

Holidays are upon us.

Santa will soon set up at . . . DILLARD's and FOOD COURT

Not to worry!  Regular walking and exercise programs will continue through most of the holiday season.

Here are some notes for Weberstown:

  • Door near Dillard's will continue to open at 8.
  • Starting November 18 exercise programs will temporarily move to Sears entry.  Enjoy a morning stroll by the tree in the center court to join us.
  • Watch the Weberstown calendar at the website for those few days when the mall will be closed (or open only for shopping) -- no walking or exercise.

Meanwhile at Sherwood holiday arrangements are also underway.  Santa's Cottage is being erected behind the Food Court, and a tree near Dick's.

  • Dancing will continue at Dick's.
  • Taiji has moved towards the Pershing entrance while Santa's Cottage occupies the space near the Food Court.
  • Watch the Sherwood calendar at the website for those few days when the mall will be closed (or open only for shopping) -- no walking or exercise.

Please also email kristen, or contact the Stockton Mall Walk website or Facebook page if you learn of other holiday changes..


Qigong, like Taiji, has been developed into many exercise sets that are appropriate for all ages.

Master Tam's group at Sherwood does one version of the Yi Jin Jing (muscle and tendon stretching) every week day at about 9 am.

Kristen's group at Weberstown is currently doing Ba Duan Jin (8 Silk Brocades) and Wu Xin Qi (5 Animals) M, W, F at 8 am and will soon be learning Da Wu (Big Dance).

Both Master Tam and Kristen use music to guide the moves and help you relax.


By request, you'll see to the left diagrams of the 36 movements of the Luk Tung Kuen, a set that George Chan taught here in Stockton, which Teresa Chen shared with the seniors at Jene Wah.

These exercises are not set to music, not all necessarily done at once, and not always done in the exact order shown.

If you're interested in trying some of these moves, video lessons are available at a couple of sites like this one .


The pandemic lingers on, with cases rising locally.  We all need to be careful for our own safety, and thoughtful of others who may be more at risk and/or more fearful than we are.

Please, please EVERYONE PRACTICE SOCIAL DISTANCING when you visit either mall.  Unless it is too difficult to breathe, please consider wearing a mask whether you are vaccinated or not.

Volunteer leaders may choose not to wear masks in order to be heard as they offer directions and advice.  Please understand that this is a risk, and give them plenty of room.

With that said, both malls are open for early morning walking and exercise groups before 10, and want all visitors have fun.   Let's do all we can to help ensure this opportunity continues.

Changes continue. Better all the time!

Dillard's Entrance Only

2 -- count 'em!
2 malls are now open for walking!

Food Court Entrance Only


Beginning June 21

Walking hours: 8-10 M-S, 9-11 Sun


Through June 30

Walking hours: 6:30 - 11 daily


Q: Do you allow mall walkers?

A: Yes, informal program. Mall open at 6:30 AM for mall walkers. One loop around the mall is 1/2 mile

Line Dance
M, W, F  8:30-9:30
Tu, Th 10 - 11

Warm up exercises
M, W, F


Tai Chi
M-F  8-10:30
Food Court

Weberstown Welcomes Walkers!


We're back (at last)!
Our Weberstown hosts are setting up a special treat for this grand re-opening.
The perfect thing for morning exercisers: water & granola bars.

And more treats are coming as Weberstown's "FIND YOUR FIT" program gets revved up.

  • Watch for mileage markers for those walking "The Loop."
  • Fun exercise groups.  Some of your favorite volunteer leaders are returning now, with more to come.
    • Kristen will be at Dillard's M, W, F 8-10.
    • Angie & Bill will be at Sears M, W, F 8-10.

Watch for details & updates at StocktonMallWalk on Facebook and website.

Taiji – slower is better?

YES!  For so many reasons.

  • Slow let's you think, time to make corrections, get the moves right.
  • Slow builds strength and balance.
  • Slow encourages finishing each move and doing transitions elegantly.

Check out this slow version of the 42 forms.


Sun style 73 slow.

This is how I learned it.  Transition to doing it at a faster pace not too hard once I knew what I was trying to do.


And here's the BafaWubu, a new combination form put together in China in 2018.  These are not simple moves, but the overall practice is short and easy to remember.


Finally, this one is truly amazing.  It's the 8 Silk Brocades, really.  Where we do each movement 6 times, he does each one only once.  And he takes 20 minutes to do that, while we finish in about 11 minutes.  Yikes.