REPOST - Memorial Day Updates
LOTS of updates today.
- All respect and honor to the many who have, and continue, to put themselves at risk to protect the rest of us. Thank you.
- Greetings. Because I miss you all, I know that you must all be missing me and each other as well. Missing our mornings reminds me of how valuable the mallwalk is to our community. So thank you to Weberstown. Looking forward to seeing folks - from a safe distance - again.
- Old mallwalk schedule is down. Mall will begin to reopen - safely - at least in part - ASAP, like about June 1. Mallwalkers and exercise groups will be welcomed back, a little at a time, as that can be done safely for all. Please understand that mall staff will likely have new, additional, duties, so we want to be mindful of how we can make their lives easier as we return.
- Old mallwalk coordinator - er, me - has broken her hip. Accidents do happen. Recovery has become my focus, but expect some modifications. You know that Monterey Turn (line dance), or the Creep Down (taiji), or the Pidgeon (Yoga), or every possible sort of squat and lunge? I expect to do them ALL, more slowly and with smaller range of motion, as I rebuild. Maybe this will even be a chance for some of you to get involved in some activities that seemed too fast before? Hope you'll all enjoy the process with me.
- Lessons learned? Not new but some beliefs have matured into convictions. STAY ACTIVE. Don't get distracted. Many accidents are avoidable; that's the goal. Strength, flexibility, and balance are your friends every day, and especially when accidents do happen.