Santa will soon set up at . . . DILLARD's and FOOD COURT
Not to worry! Regular walking and exercise programs will continue through most of the holiday season.
Here are some notes for Weberstown:
- Door near Dillard's will continue to open at 8.
- Starting November 18 exercise programs will temporarily move to Sears entry. Enjoy a morning stroll by the tree in the center court to join us.
- Watch the Weberstown calendar at the website for those few days when the mall will be closed (or open only for shopping) -- no walking or exercise.
Meanwhile at Sherwood holiday arrangements are also underway. Santa's Cottage is being erected behind the Food Court, and a tree near Dick's.
- Dancing will continue at Dick's.
- Taiji has moved towards the Pershing entrance while Santa's Cottage occupies the space near the Food Court.
- Watch the Sherwood calendar at the website for those few days when the mall will be closed (or open only for shopping) -- no walking or exercise.
Please also email kristen, or contact the Stockton Mall Walk website or Facebook page if you learn of other holiday changes..