Keep Moving – Mind, Body, Spirit

32 Form Taiji - another beautiful and peaceful combination form.  George's group, now led by Jenny and friends (meets by Penney's), has practiced this form for a long time.  Tues-Thurs-Sat group at Dillard's is now learning this one.  The video shows the wonderful Sifu Amin Wu doing the form so you can get a feel for it -- maybe try it -- at home.  Looking forward to floating through this and other group practices when we meet again.  Stay safe.


The governor has spoken, time to pay attention.  The mall will likely be fully closed within a few days.  Until then walking may be permitted, but there will be NO EXERCISE GROUPS until this order is lifted.

“This is not a permanent state, this is a moment in time,” the Governor has said. “We will look back at these decisions as pivotal.”

Health care workers, essential municipal workers such as bus drivers and others will still be working.

For all of you - be wise and be well.  Looking forward to seeing you all back at the mall soon.


ALERT – Mall Walk Now Opens 9-11 am


New temporarily shortened mall hours start tomorrow, March 18, 2020.   Weberstown management is making every effort to flatten the Covid-19 curve while continuing to serve the community.  Watch for more changes to come.

Meanwhile, walking hours have moved to 9-11 am (from 8-10).  The door to Dillard's court may continue to open at 8:30 am, or next change may be to keep the mall entirely closed until 9.

Everyone's cooperation during this emergency is appreciated.  We all look forward to returning to normal.  Collective goodwill will get us there quicker :-).

Take Care of Yourself!

PLEASE - Don't Endanger Yourself or Others

Advice for all and especially elderly & infirm is to STAY HOME.

The Mall is still opening at 7:30 (Dillards door only) for walkers.  The halls are mostly empty so if you do want to take a walk, social distancing no problem.

Most of the exercise groups have taken the rest of March (at least) off as we await more guidance and hopefully some good news from the Center for Disease Control.  I'm still coming in (for now) for a little dancing and exercise - again with SOCIAL DISTANCING.  Please do NOT join us if you have any symptoms.  Please make use of hand sanitizer (available at all entrances) if you do join us.

Take care now, and we'll all be able to resume normal activities sooner.

7:30 am Opening

Early walkers are still welcome at the mall.

Weberstown has been experiencing some problems*.  To keep everyone safe, the mall is changing their early-opening protocol.  Only ONE DOOR will open at 7:30 AM -- the door into the Dillard's Court.  Other doors will be opening at 8 AM.  If you like to come in early, just plan to park near the Dillard's entrance.  If you find other doors locked at 8, be patient, the morning crew is on it's way.


FYI -- At least 2 of our morning exercise groups have been victimized by "snatch & grab" thefts.  Turns out these early birds (hopefully soon "jail birds") also break into mall businesses.  They are quick and quiet, prying doors and drawers open with little noise, taking what they want, and exiting.  So when you notice someone inside a store, they may - or may NOT - just be an early-worker preparing for opening.  The need for the mall to get better control of the extensive mall footprint, with small morning crew, while still accommodating mall walkers, has led to our one-door-only-at-7:30 compromise.

Please note that mall walkers are NOT expected to get involved in security issues.  At the same time, you may want to alert security to things you see that don't seem quite right, or you may need security at some point.

Mall Security can be reached at:  477-8810.  You may want to program that number into your phones.

Changes at the Mall . . .

Opening time at 7:30 is being adjusted.  I'll get more detailed information on that posted ASAP.

MEANWHILE:  We're all paying attention and playing it safe with elbow and toe bump greetings.  Have you noticed though, that the Mall has very kindly provided hand sanitizing stations at every entrance!  We want everyone to stay healthy while you stay healthy :-).

Special Event: Saturday March 14, 9-10 am

Yoga with a Twist?

If yoga is not your thing, consider this:  NO MAT WORK!  Surprise, it's QiGong, AKA Chinese Yoga.  The mall is sponsoring this special event to introduce folks to exercise and other health aids available here.  We'll spend the hour going through the stretches that make up the Eight Silk Brocades set.  Each exercise is easy, fun and will leave you feeling great.  Together the set is a sort of moving meditation.  We practice this set often, so if you like it, you can continue practicing with free groups right here in the mall.

Give yourself a Saturday morning treat.  Build strength, flexibility & balance with these slow flowing stretches.  This introduction to Chinese Yoga, or QiGong, is for everyone, every age, every fitness level.  All you’ll need is comfortable clothes and soft supportive shoes for this introductory event.  Bring a friend.  Perhaps you’ll want to make this practice a regular part of your week.

Sad News to Share

A long time Friend & Leader has gone.  Whether you worked with George or not, if you walk the mall you know him well, because you could not miss him.  George shared his music and modeling with tai chi practitioners 3 days a week at the mall, and that's not all.  George also led Tai Chi at the Oak Park Senior Center, and QiGong on Thursdays here at the mall.  George leaves a hole in many hearts and will be more than remembered.

George "owned" the Penney's court between 9 and 10 every Monday, Wednesday & Friday.  Even flat on his back during his last battle, his heart and concern was right there with his people.  George delivered his music, and orders! to Jenny.  Tai Chi practice will continue with his standards, the 24, 32, 40 and 42.  If you know any of those forms, then George's group has a place for you.  If you want to learn any of those forms, check in with kristen or Judy Hong to get started.  Success comes from practice and you can still rely on George to make that possible.

For friends, funeral services for George will be held at DeYoung Memorial Chapel, 601 N California St, on Wednesday March 18 at 11 am.  Viewing March 14.  Call DeYoung's for more detail: 466-8075.