It’s Time

If you haven't come out to walk at Sherwood yet, we miss you.

Your friends are looking for you, and there's LOTS going on.


Angela's group meets M, W, F 8:30-9:30 am

Vivian's group meets T, Th 10-11 am

Both leaders teach the steps.  Vivian's class is perfect for beginners.

TAIJI - behind the Food Court

Master Tam's group meets M-F, 8-9 am

Sifu Judy's group meets M-F, 9-10 am

Both Leaders do 24 and 40.  Judy also does 88 and is teaching 42.  Master Tam also does 42, 48, 73, Yi Jin Jing (Qigong), and some fan/sword.

More About Sherwood

While we're enjoying Sherwood's early space for exercising, one more rule to be aware of:  Current Covid rules require the mall to limit the number of people using the promenades.  Once that capacity is reached, Mall security will advise late comers that there's no more room.

Here's hoping restrictions will be relaxed soon.

So, some hope . . .

A Step Towards Recovery

Many, like me, are in great need of a way to get back in shape after our long stay-at-home.

While Weberstown hasn't yet invited us to return for morning walking and group exercise there, I've recently learned that Sherwood is open to walkers in the morning.

Sherwood doesn't have a "program," but provides a great space and permits individuals wearing masks to enter through the food court doors, between 6 am and 11 when the stores open.

Master Tam and Judy Hong are both teaching/leading tai chi near the food court on weekdays 8-10:30 and Angela's line dance group group is meeting at Dick's M-W-F 8:30-9:30.  I've been going up a couple days a week to re-learn all the taiji I've forgotten, so want to share this opportunity with others.

Since we're permitted, not invited, all are working together to keep our hosts at Sherwood happy.

A Visit to the Mall

Our Mall IS Open . . .
for shopping, for now.

And the Covid pandemic continues.
The Mall wants the Weberstown Walkers back just as much as we look forward to returning.  (And we miss our inside morning walks more as the days grow dark and cold.)
Still, surely all can understand that right now Mall workers are devoting all efforts to just keeping the doors open for safe shopping, consistent with health directives from local and state officials.
I stopped by for a walk during shopping hours (Xmas pressure, you know) and snapped these few pictures to give you a sense of what you'll find if you decide to make the trip yourselves, because, of course, you are welcome any time the mall is open, to stroll as well as shop.
You'll be delighted with all the extra space.  This is a result of the Mall's efforts to eliminate things that can't be cleaned or that interfere with social distancing.


  • There is NO inside seating for taking a rest in the mall.  Massage chairs are roped off, and benches have been removed.
  • There is NO passage into the mall through Barnes & Noble.  Both the book store and the Mall are open, but you must use outside entrances to both.  The gate at the Mall entrance is being kept closed for now.
  • There are Mall patrons who flaunt the mask rules.  Most shoppers follow the rules, but not all.  You will find folks with masks on their chins and some with no masks at all.  And with food service still available in the Mall, people are eating as they shop, so masks do get removed for that purpose.


That way, our ultimate reunion, in our own early hours, will be a happy one for all.

No. Sorry. Not yet . . .


The mall is now open 11-7 weekdays, and 12-6 Sundays.  Not all stores have re-opened.  With extensive new cleaning protocols and new restrictions to supervise, the mall is not able to open early for walking/exercising yet.

If you plan to visit the mall during shopping hours, here are the special Covid additions to the mall's Code of Conduct.

• Practice social distancing and stay at least 6 feet (2 meters) from other people.
• Covering your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover in accordance with state and local guidelines.
• Do not gather in groups.
• Do not move tables or seating within the food court or other common areas.
• Adhere to each individual tenant’s COVID-19 policies.
• Adhere to all federal, state and local regulations, recommendations and mandates regarding COVID-19.
• If applicable, follow line queuing procedures provided by tenant(s) and/or center management.
• If applicable, adhere to the limit on the number of people permitted inside each individual tenant’s store at one time.
• People who have been diagnosed with COVID-19, or are waiting for test results, or have symptoms such as cough, fever, or shortness of breath should adhere to the CDC guidelines for quarantine and isolation.

September Update


Nope, we're not back to walking/dancing/taiji . . . yet.

BUT, I got my tree stand back.  Still using a cane, but I can walk away from it now.

I owe it all to, well, everyone who's guided and cheered me through this recovery, and yoga.  Wow have I learned to appreciate yoga in a more profound way.  Currently re-learning Qigong and Taiji.  Still need to pick up speed for dancing.  It's happening.

Hope all of YOU are keeping well and ready to groove when mall is ready for us.

Long Hot Summer

Staying Motivated?

5 months!  And now hot weather ;-(.

Mornings are still cool . . . if you pull yourself out of bed.  Think you’ve got it tough?  Remember that I personally have a broken hip to recover from.

Just to encourage you, my progress to date includes managing to balance on the bad leg this week.  Thank you, Yoga.  (I’ve found a wonderful free class to do 3 times a week.  This class will continue through October. )

Meeting ID: 927 6529 3488
Password: 2g7fV9
(Password is case sensitive. Please copy as listed above)

Takin’ It Slow



The pandemic continues.  For all of us, staying safe is what we can do to keep the community safe.  So - no date for opening mall to walkers and exercise groups is in sight yet.

Still . . . ya gotta actually take care of yourselves!  I'm trying to walk the walk . . . er walk any walk at all in fact.  Have graduated to a cane.  Have found an on-line yoga class that I can almost keep up with.

There are steps (little pun) YOU can take.  Find a spot outside and take an early morning (while it's cool) walk with plenty of social distancing.  Check out a few on-line exercise possibilities, looking for one that's fun for you.  Weed the garden.  Vacuum (ug).  BREATHE.

Getting Ready to Re-Start

Greetings All

  • I'm anticipating a staged reopening in early June as Weberstown develops protocols to keep everyone safe.  I'm guessing that some walking hours will come first.  I'll let you know about new protocols as I learn about the, and will add exercises and hours to the schedule when I get them.
  • Group exercises will return as the group leaders desire and as appropriate space becomes available.  (We may have to make some moves to ensure room for social distancing.)
  • GROUP LEADERS - or anyone who would like to be a group leader - please contact me about YOUR desires for times/spaces for your group.  You can reach me by replying to this post or commenting on it on Facebook.
  • Dillard's Groups - Look for a slow startup as I continue to recover from my broken hip.  First I need to be able to drive again!  Then we can explore walker-workouts?!?!  I don't plan to be on a walker for long, but even without that setback I know it will take awhile to re-learn all the exercises, line dances, taiji forms, yoga routines, etc.  I'm looking forward to that process and hope that many of you will find it a perfect time to get started, or to review and perfect moves you already know.  Will also try to get some help from experienced group members who will be able to demonstrate moves I can't make (yet) when we get back in gear.