More Activities for Seniors?

Are you, or do you know, a senior looking for more activities or assistance?

Here's your chance to have your thoughts/interests considered by some senior-oriented nonprofits making plans for next summer.  The survey is being distributed/collected by Judy and Elaine, who are at Weberstown every morning.  You can pick up a blank from them at the mall, or download & print your own from the link below.


Starting next week, August 2, we welcome Vivian's Line Dance back to Weberstown.
This great group of dancers will be meeting each Tuesday and Thursday, from 10-11, near Sears.
All exercisers must enter at Dillard's Court.  For everyone's security, please do not let anyone in at other doors.

Security Updates

Mall Security is there for us, for our security, and also, of course, for mall safety in general.  We need to cooperate with them to make their job easier and the mall safer for all.


Dillard's Door Only --
One door only opens a little before 8 am.  Please do not let anyone in any other door.  This is the only control Security has on who is in the mall, it protects us all.  (If this is a problem for anyone, please talk to Coordinator Kristen about special arrangements to meet your needs.)

See Something; Say Something --
If you see any unusual activity in the mall during exercise hours, please report it.  Our many eyes can help Security protect the mall and us from intruders who may be trying to steal.  You can reach Mall Security with your cell phone at: 209-477-8810.


The Weberstown Shuffle Continues

Making the Best Possible Use of the Space

Master Tam's Advanced Tai Chi

M, W, F in the Center Court, except when it's in use for holidays (think Santa & Easter Bunny) when his group will move to Penneys, and
Tu, Th at Dillards

Sifu Judy's Tai Chi

M-F at Dillards

Kristen's Line Dance

M, W, F at Penneys, as needed.  (Just stop and grab me when you enter at Dillards.)

All groups need to be aware that walkers are doing a 1/2 mile loop that extends into all corners of the mall, so leave them a little path please.

Hope this makes sense!

More Taiji at Weberstown

Welcoming Master Tam and Sifu Judy back to Weberstown starting Monday, March 28.

Master Tam's group (8-9 am) practices more advanced forms, including sword and fan.  Sifu Judy's group (9-10 am) practices 24, 40, 42, 88 and Sun style 73, with lots of detailed review of specific postures.

Remember:  ONLY the Dillards door is open before 10.