Schedule Changes

Happens all the time.  Something new!  Holiday changes.

For instance, I’ll be out of town next Friday — October 21.  The mall will be open for walkers and other Leaders will conduct regular classes.

Check here regularly for updatesCheck the “Schedule” page for basic information.

Thank you all for your cooperation as we’ve tried to deal with some crowding on M-W-F as the mall created a new, free Wi-Fi area in front of Barnes & Nobel.  Expect more of the same as Christmas decorations and sales carts are added to the mall for the holidays.

To help with these problems, Jully Kang has moved her Qi Kung/Tai Chi classes to Thursday and Saturday mornings at Dillards.  If you are interested in understanding and getting the maximum benefit from these practices, give Jully’s classes a try.



Okay here’s one that a lot of you know from Oak Park or from dancing with Bill.

When you watch the video, you’ll see that the original steps include a full turn.  We won’t bother with that.  Of course, you can add it if you like.  I’ll include both variations in the steps.

Here they are:


Choreographed by Darren “Daz” Bailey

32 count, 2 wall, beginner/intermediate line dance
Music:A Little Less Talk And A Lot More Action by Toby Keith [ Start dancing on lyrics

1-8 Walk back 2, coaster (or sailor ½ turn) – Walk up 2 (or ½ turn), kick-out-out

  • Step back on left, back on right
  • Left back, right back, left forward (or cross back left pivoting ½ to left, shuffle right/left)
  • Step forward on right, forward on left (or step on right pivoting ½ to left, step left)
  • Kick right, step right to right side, left to left side

8-16 Hitch step right & heel bounce 3 – Sway right/left/right/left

  • Right knee up/stomp down, heel bounce right
  • Heel bounce right, heel bounce right
  • Sway right, sway left
  • Sway right sway left

17-24 Behind, side, cross shuffle – rock, cross shuffle

  • Cross back right, step left,
  • cross shuffle to left (right/left/right)
  • Rock to left on left, rock back on right,
  • cross shuffle to right (left/right/left)

25-32 turn, touch-cross 2, jazz turn & kick

  • ¼ turn to right on right, tap left to left,
  • step ahead on left, tap right to right
  • Cross right forward, rock back on left,
  • ¼ turn to right on right, kick left

We’ll give this one a try this week.


Considering Yoga?

One thing we can’t do at the mall is floor work, because we’d need mats.

Ah, so sad, we miss so much, and I am not just talking about sit-ups.  I make up for that with a yoga class each week at the Stockton Yoga Center.  Okay, not free, but an important part of my mind-body-spirit health.

Just in case any of you have some interest in trying yoga for yourselves, the Yoga Center is offering a one-session intro class on either October 16 or November 5.  This 2-hour session costs $25.  Here’s the Yoga Center’s blurb:

Yoga Basics with Wendy

Yoga Basics two-hour class starts you on your yoga journey. Explore and learn at a comfortable pace in a supportive environment with others who are new to yoga. This class is designed to provide you with the basics so that you can feel confident and comfortable moving into a class that is right for you. You begin with a brief discussion of the historical and philosophical background of yoga. Demonstration and practice of the fundamental yoga postures. Instruction on how to combine breath and movement. Answers to frequently asked questions and misconceptions. You don’t need to be flexible, strong, or be able to quiet the mind. Simply show up and do your best. Cost $25 for new students.

Check it out.

“September” Line Dance

You only learn to dance by dancing.  Still, I know this kind of reference can help.

Here’s a tricky one.  Lots of turns and also a little tricky to find on the web.

At the mall I use Chris Isaak, “Dancin” (that’s how video is listed to right) but it was written to go with Dinah Washington’s “September In the Rain.”   The only video I’ve found uses a third tune I’m not familiar with.  Ah well.

Here are the steps — more detailed than the last set.  🙂


32 count/2 wall line dance
Choreographed by Doris Newell
Music:  September in the Rain by Dinah Washington
(Mall Walk music is “Dancin” by Chris Isaacs

1-8          6 count vine with 2 turns & shuffle back

  • Step side right – Cross back left
  • ½ turn right — Step side left
  • Cross back right — ½ turn left
  • Back right-left-right

8-16       rock back, shuffle forward, turn & shuffle back, rock back

  • Rock back left – Rock forward right
  • Forward left-right-left
  • ½ turn back right-left-right
  • Rock back left – Rock forward right

17-24     lock step forward & tap, lock step back & step

  • Step forward left – Lock right behind
  • Step forward left – TAP right behind
  • Step back right – Lock left in front of right
  • Step back right – STEP left in front of right

25-32     back weave to left, then right

  • Tap right to right side – Cross right behind left
  • Step left – Cross right in front of left
  • Tap left to left side – Cross left behind right
  • Step right – Cross left in front of right

Hope this helps

Don’t You Wish It Was True?

Here’s a new one for us to try.  32 counts/4 walls.  Video to right, under “New Line Dance.”

Step sheet, short version:

1-8         Shuffle rock back, right & left.
9-16       Heel-step-step, right & left.  Rock-tap, shuffle back.
17-24     Shuffle 1/2 turn, shuffle forward, rocking chair right.
25-32    Jazz turn & cross, and cross and cross.

Let me know if this post helps anyone :-).


Line Dance Confusion

Okay, I don’t mean the confusion between right and left feet :-), or even the confusion between a grapevine and a weave.

A problem we all run into is sorting out the names of the dances from the names of the many pieces of music that each dance can be done with.  I’ll admit I’m not too good at this.  I typically think of the name of the song I normally use as being the same as the name of the dance.  Not so.

In selecting video links, the problem gets even more confusing.  Many of the best views of the steps use different music than we use at the Mall Walk.  Sometimes I don’t even know what music is being used on the video.  Yet, I’m using song names for my video tags — the songs we typically use at the mall, not the songs on the videos, and also not the names of the dances.

Yikes.  Bear with me.  Video tags read: name of mall walk music (not video music) followed by name of dance from step sheet (if I have that).

Hope this helps.

Coordinator kristen

Video Links

Video links (to the right) are intended to assist Mall Walkers who are just getting started and want to review routines that various groups practice regularly.

These links may not exactly match what Mall Walk Group Leaders are teaching, and are intended only as backup for the detailed instruction you will get from those Group Leaders.

Please let me know if you find these links useful, and/or what particular routines you would like to see a link to.



Welcome to the Stockton Mall Walk blog.

Stockton’s Weberstown Mall hosts the Weberstown Walkers, providing a wonderful opportunity for folks to gather for a stroll or a power-walk 7 days a week before the stores open.

As guests of the Mall, all participants are asked to follow the Mall’s general rules of conduct and to take responsibility for their own safetyPLEASE SIGN A RELEASE and emergency contact when you join the Weberstown Walkers.  Forms are available from Coordinator Kristen.  You’ll find Kristen near Dillard’s every Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8:00 to 9:30 am.

The Stockton Mall Walk also offers a variety of group activities including aerobics, line dance, and tai chi.  All groups are free and open.  Volunteer leaders set their own programs.  All Walkers are invited to try any activity that appeals, get involved or just watch.

Please check this blog for Mall Walk news, special activity announcements, schedule changes, and supporting materials for group programs when those are available.

Stop and see me at the mall.

from the Coordinator  kristen