Stockton is Magnificent — Sept 29 on the Miracle Mile, from 1-4.

FLASH MOB (scheduled for 2pm).

If you are able to attend one of the group practices, you’ll get details and experience with a larger group:

“three big practices, hoping to get everybody out to one or more of them.

Tuesday Night, September 25,  5:00- 5:30 MMID parking lot at 2540 Pacific Avenue located ACROSS THE STREET from Starbucks and Gourmet Burrito.

Wednesday, September 26, 4:30- 5:00 at the Teen Center – 725 El Dorado Street  (Charity, can you be in charge of the sound system if I have my ipod with USB and AUX OUT?)


Thursday Night, September 27, 7:00-7:30 at  Edison High”


FLASH MOB:  A surprise event.  At a prearranged signal, dancers emerge from the crowd performing.  Mall Walkers are invited to join in — making signs, forming a stage border, dancing.  Take a look at the video and watch for signs at the Mall Walk about practice sessions for the “mob”.



Greetings All

Just updated the schedule page. Take a look. Let me know if I’ve missed, or messed up, anything.

Let me know — really. If you’re reading the blog, comment now and then. I get lonely out here, and then I get behind. Help please.

Weberstown Walkers are now on Facebook too. Hoping this will be another (?) easy way for you to keep up with Mall news. If you “LIKE” this new page, then updates will be sent to your Facebook page automatically.

T-shirts are still available. Some of you who already signed up have not picked up your shirts yet. Sorry, I don’t do home delivery :-). If you’re not pleased with the size you ordered, ask me about exchanges. If you haven’t signed up yet, just stop by Dillard’s when I’m there and I have the release forms.

I also have some water bottles left.

The mall asks for, and appreciates having, a signed release from ALL walkers, whether you want a T-shirt/water bottle or not. We are guests. The Mall is concerned for your safety and expects all walkers to take responsibility for themselves.

Enough for now —

Five Animal Frolics Qi Gong

Thank you to all who joined us on Sunday for this program.  Special thanks to Jully Kang and Sifu Jenny from Sacramento who arranged for our Chinese Guests to lead this event.

To review & practice this form, check out Jully Kang’s practice on Tu-Th-Sat from 8-10.  (Bring a Yoga mat if you want to join in floor exercises as well.)  I will also go over some of the forms with M-W-F aerobics practice.

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g0XdCb2pyCY]


[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mj2–7C8U7c]

Remember — your comments come to me.  I’m waiting to hear from you.  🙂




15th Anniversary Celebration — May 30

Mark the date.

ALL walkers and exercise groups are invited to gather at Dillard’s for a pot-luck brunch of the Mall Walk’s 15th Anniversary.

Everyone, PLEASE, bring something to share — finger food, simple snacks, drinks.  We have a sign up sheet at Dillard’s if you want to see what others are bringing, or let the rest of us know what you will bring.  We need everyone to contribute so there will be plenty for all.

TAI CHI groups will perform the 24 forms together.  This is an exercise set that most of you know.  Please join in even if you are just a beginner.  We will use Anne Chin’s recorded calls, in honor of a loved and valued leader we lost in February.  Anne led many of us through our very first Tai Chi moves, and we want to continue her legacy by introducing these calming and beneficial exercises to all who are interested.

And, of course, the Chicken Dance — you don’t want to miss this one :-).  We’ll have music for more dancing if folks have suggestions.

Wear your Mall Walk T-Shirts so we can get some great pictures.  See you all there.


Year of the Dragon

May 30 will mark the 15th anniversary of the Weberstown Walkers. 

Watch for news about how we will celebrate.

Step one:  Confirm our welcome at the mall.  Weberstown asks that each participant take responsibility for his/her own safety.  Please –

  • Sign a RELEASE — promising not to sue the mall if you suffer any mishap while exercising here.
  • Provide emergency contact information — just in case.
  • Respect Mall standards of conduct.
  • Stay alert physical surroundings and other participants.
  • Consult a physician if you experience pain or discomfort.
  • Exercise at your own pace, attempting only those moves appropriate for your fitness level and conditioning.
  • Wear comfortable, supportive shoes.
  • Stay hydrated.

Release forms are available from me.  Be sure to check off your T-shirt size as well.


Happy Holidays

Just a reminder that the Mall’s holiday shopping hours begin at 9 AM until Christmas.

Mall Walk exercise groups need to clear out at that time to ensure that shoppers feel welcome.

Monday the 26th will also likely be an early opening day for many stores.

We’ll return to regular schedule on Tuesday, December 27.

Have a safe, happy and healthy holiday all.

Weberstown Tai Chi Groups Demonstrate in Sacramento

On Sunday November 13, our Sacramento Tai Chi friends sponsored an afternoon of performance featuring local groups with guests from Stockton and San Jose.
Stockton was well represented by Master Tam’s group who performed with fans and Jully Kang’s group offering Chen Style QiKung and Mei Hua (Beautiful Flower), a waltz.

Performers at Sacramento Event
Stockton Tai Chi Leaders & Students with others from Sacramento & San Jose

Everyone is welcome to work with these groups to polish their personal skills, and join in events like this if you desire.

Rock & Roll

Added a couple of new videos:  Rock Around the Clock & Hillbilly Rock & Roll.

The first is one that many of you know from Oak Park.  Good old fashioned rock & roll number.  Bill’s group at Sears may do this one.  If you like it, we can learn this one down at Dillard’s.

The second is one we’ve been practicing at Dillard’s.  There are several versions on line.  This is the one we’ve been doing.  The steps, in brief, are:

counts 1-8 — start on right
rock forward with a heel flick, rock back with a knee lift
back coaster

counts 9-16 — left foot
sugarfoot (tap toe then heel), shift weight to left
grapevine right

counts 17-24 — left foot
rock forward with a heel flick, rock back with a knee lift
back coaster

counts 25-32 — right foot
sugarfoot (tap toe then heel), shift weight to right
shuffle turn left

counts 33-40 — right foot
rocking chair
two steps (right left) doing 1/2 turn to left; tap right & hold

counts 41-48 — right foot
sailor (cross right back, step left, step right, hold)
sailor (cross left back, step right, step left, hold)

Check it out, and join us.  You only learn to dance by dancing.  🙂