Vacation! (Kristen’s, not yours)

I’m heading out hiking next Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, so:

No line dancing, aerobics or yoga July 25-26-27.

The mall will be open for walking, and other groups will be meeting as usual.  The weather will be hot, so consider coming inside for your exercise.  What a great time to check out some of the Weberstown Walkers’ other groups and leaders.


New Stuff — in case you were getting bored

Several new links (to right).  I try to find demos on YouTube that are at least close to the way we typically do these dance and taiji routines here at the mall.  There are many variations, no right/wrong.  What’s important is to take care & be safe.

I’ve added a version of the 40 forms Taiji that is close to what Master Tam teaches (at Penney’s and Dillards), and George practices (at Penney’s).  I’ll be going over this form in my classes as well, so stop by if you want to learn the form, brush up, or fine tune any details.

Also some of the new line dances we’re learning:  Caballero (this video has been up awhile), Be My Love, Be My Friend and Blame It On the Bossa Nova.  Again, some variations.  Don’t panic.  Think rhythm and balance.  As with Taiji, just be safe.

  • We don’t do the restart on Caballero.
  • First turn on the Be My Love video is a little different; either way is fine.
  • We’re still doing breakdown on the Bossa Nova, and changes are coming — get the rhythm and we’ll get there together :-).


Want to relax? Think support.

This is especially for folks from the SICL Intro to Yoga class, but relevant to anyone who’s interested in being able to really relax.


This is such a great illustration of the child’s pose.  She’s practicing ahimsa — taking care of herself.  She’s adjusted her leg position, knees rocking out to open hips.  She’s made great use of support (hips higher than feet) to make that comfortable so she can relax.  The neck twist looks a bit uncomfortable to me, but fully supported.  The product she’s demonstrating is a pillow that extends from what you see around her head back to her belly, giving her something to collapse her shoulders around. The stretch from base to crown looks great and sustainable.  Note the relaxed ankles, wrists and hands (palms up!).  And she has water.

Yoga — relax & enjoy

Here’s a link to some very detailed directions for a few key yoga poses (asanas).  When done properly these are advanced poses, and should be done with care.  This is especially true of the inversions — forward bend and down dog.

5 Yoga Poses

If you’re interested in trying a yoga class, bring a sticky mat and join us in front of Dillards – Tu, Thurs, Sat — at 8 am.