88 forms tai chi (aka 108, 103, etc.) — Yang style

Master Tam & Judy Hong’s group is currently working on this loooong form (takes over 20 minutes to complete).  Try it, you’ll like it.

This form is slower than any other form I’ve met.  This gives you time to think about and perfect your moves.  Also very relaxing once you’ve learned it.  Music with clear calls saves you from the effort of trying to remember all the moves in the right order.

The 4-corners move (like many) is tricky.  At first you’ll need some extra steps for balance.  Later you’ll eliminate those steps as you anticipate turns and can use your waist to turn as you rock (without twisting knees).  But at first, there are lots and lots of little parts to remember.  Here’s a very detailed breakdown of 4-corners that I found very helpful, even though I’ve already stopped doing some of the smaller adjustments.


Just for fun.  We use a couple of these hand forms for our yoga breathing:

Chin Mudra, and

Vishnu Mudra.

But there are lots more.  Here are a few you might try with breathing exercises, or meditation:

Update — All Is Well — Back Friday

Greetings All --

So sorry for confusion caused by my absence this last week.  I've been a full-time nurse for my kitty, who has lost a leg but is doing much much better every day.

Me?  I need to move and am cautiously optimistic that by Friday I'll be able to concentrate enough to know my right from my left.  Hope all will keep walking or trying some different exercises with other groups until then.

Thank you, dear friends, for your understanding and support.


Yoga — appropriate & advanced

Just FYI, Tues, Thurs, Sat yoga at the mall is not an introductory class, but includes lots of explanation and tips.  All are welcome to practice with us, taking care to treat yourself gently.  Those with some experience should be comfortable with the postures we do.  Those without much experience will learn some great stretches and how to adjust complex poses into safe beginning positions as you increase your flexibility.

Because we are doing our practice in a public area, we do not include relaxation in our practice.  Instead we end our sessions with some qigong — dynamic stretching — to leave you energized for the day.

Take a look at this article to get a good idea of what an “advanced” yogi (yoga practitioner) really looks like:  http://www.nasm.org/american-fitness-magazine/issues/american-fitness-magazine-summer-2016/insight-into-your-yoga-practice?utm_source=afaa&utm_medium=emails&utm_content=073016&utm_campaign=a_afaa_yogacontent

Vacation! (Kristen’s, not yours)

I’m heading out hiking next Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday, so:

No line dancing, aerobics or yoga July 25-26-27.

The mall will be open for walking, and other groups will be meeting as usual.  The weather will be hot, so consider coming inside for your exercise.  What a great time to check out some of the Weberstown Walkers’ other groups and leaders.