
Welcome to the Stockton Mall Walk blog.

Stockton’s Weberstown Mall hosts the Weberstown Walkers, providing a wonderful opportunity for folks to gather for a stroll or a power-walk 7 days a week before the stores open.

As guests of the Mall, all participants are asked to follow the Mall’s general rules of conduct and to take responsibility for their own safetyPLEASE SIGN A RELEASE and emergency contact when you join the Weberstown Walkers.  Forms are available from Coordinator Kristen.  You’ll find Kristen near Dillard’s every Monday, Wednesday & Friday from 8:00 to 9:30 am.

The Stockton Mall Walk also offers a variety of group activities including aerobics, line dance, and tai chi.  All groups are free and open.  Volunteer leaders set their own programs.  All Walkers are invited to try any activity that appeals, get involved or just watch.

Please check this blog for Mall Walk news, special activity announcements, schedule changes, and supporting materials for group programs when those are available.

Stop and see me at the mall.

from the Coordinator  kristen

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