Greetings All
- I'm anticipating a staged reopening in early June as Weberstown develops protocols to keep everyone safe. I'm guessing that some walking hours will come first. I'll let you know about new protocols as I learn about the, and will add exercises and hours to the schedule when I get them.
- Group exercises will return as the group leaders desire and as appropriate space becomes available. (We may have to make some moves to ensure room for social distancing.)
- GROUP LEADERS - or anyone who would like to be a group leader - please contact me about YOUR desires for times/spaces for your group. You can reach me by replying to this post or commenting on it on Facebook.
- Dillard's Groups - Look for a slow startup as I continue to recover from my broken hip. First I need to be able to drive again! Then we can explore walker-workouts?!?! I don't plan to be on a walker for long, but even without that setback I know it will take awhile to re-learn all the exercises, line dances, taiji forms, yoga routines, etc. I'm looking forward to that process and hope that many of you will find it a perfect time to get started, or to review and perfect moves you already know. Will also try to get some help from experienced group members who will be able to demonstrate moves I can't make (yet) when we get back in gear.
So sorry to hear about your hip. Hope it will heal quickly. Don’t rush the exercise and have a relapse.
We waited this long for the pandemic, and there’s no reason we can’t wait a little more time for you to heal.
Take care.
Thank you, Yuki. So nice to hear from you, and you are exactly correct. At the same time, motivation is key to recovery, so I keep thinking big – and moving slow. 🙂