Our Mall IS Open . . .
for shopping, for now.
And the Covid pandemic continues.
The Mall wants the Weberstown Walkers back just as much as we look forward to returning. (And we miss our inside morning walks more as the days grow dark and cold.)
Still, surely all can understand that right now Mall workers are devoting all efforts to just keeping the doors open for safe shopping, consistent with health directives from local and state officials.
I stopped by for a walk during shopping hours (Xmas pressure, you know) and snapped these few pictures to give you a sense of what you'll find if you decide to make the trip yourselves, because, of course, you are welcome any time the mall is open, to stroll as well as shop.
You'll be delighted with all the extra space. This is a result of the Mall's efforts to eliminate things that can't be cleaned or that interfere with social distancing.

There is NO inside seating for taking a rest in the mall. Massage chairs are roped off, and benches have been removed.
There is NO passage into the mall through Barnes & Noble. Both the book store and the Mall are open, but you must use outside entrances to both. The gate at the Mall entrance is being kept closed for now.
There are Mall patrons who flaunt the mask rules. Most shoppers follow the rules, but not all. You will find folks with masks on their chins and some with no masks at all. And with food service still available in the Mall, people are eating as they shop, so masks do get removed for that purpose.