Added a couple of new videos: Rock Around the Clock & Hillbilly Rock & Roll.
The first is one that many of you know from Oak Park. Good old fashioned rock & roll number. Bill’s group at Sears may do this one. If you like it, we can learn this one down at Dillard’s.
The second is one we’ve been practicing at Dillard’s. There are several versions on line. This is the one we’ve been doing. The steps, in brief, are:
counts 1-8 — start on right
rock forward with a heel flick, rock back with a knee lift
back coaster
counts 9-16 — left foot
sugarfoot (tap toe then heel), shift weight to left
grapevine right
counts 17-24 — left foot
rock forward with a heel flick, rock back with a knee lift
back coaster
counts 25-32 — right foot
sugarfoot (tap toe then heel), shift weight to right
shuffle turn left
counts 33-40 — right foot
rocking chair
two steps (right left) doing 1/2 turn to left; tap right & hold
counts 41-48 — right foot
sailor (cross right back, step left, step right, hold)
sailor (cross left back, step right, step left, hold)
Check it out, and join us. You only learn to dance by dancing. 🙂