The pandemic continues. For all of us, staying safe is what we can do to keep the community safe. So - no date for opening mall to walkers and exercise groups is in sight yet.
Still . . . ya gotta actually take care of yourselves! I'm trying to walk the walk . . . er walk any walk at all in fact. Have graduated to a cane. Have found an on-line yoga class that I can almost keep up with.
There are steps (little pun) YOU can take. Find a spot outside and take an early morning (while it's cool) walk with plenty of social distancing. Check out a few on-line exercise possibilities, looking for one that's fun for you. Weed the garden. Vacuum (ug). BREATHE.
Glad you’re doing better and doing yoga by zoom. I look forward to going back to the mall when the pandemic leaves us. In the meantime, my husband and I go for a walk every morning. I also spend much time in the garden. We have many trees so the yard is shady.
Take care.