Mark the date.
ALL walkers and exercise groups are invited to gather at Dillard’s for a pot-luck brunch of the Mall Walk’s 15th Anniversary.
Everyone, PLEASE, bring something to share — finger food, simple snacks, drinks. We have a sign up sheet at Dillard’s if you want to see what others are bringing, or let the rest of us know what you will bring. We need everyone to contribute so there will be plenty for all.
TAI CHI groups will perform the 24 forms together. This is an exercise set that most of you know. Please join in even if you are just a beginner. We will use Anne Chin’s recorded calls, in honor of a loved and valued leader we lost in February. Anne led many of us through our very first Tai Chi moves, and we want to continue her legacy by introducing these calming and beneficial exercises to all who are interested.
And, of course, the Chicken Dance — you don’t want to miss this one :-). We’ll have music for more dancing if folks have suggestions.
Wear your Mall Walk T-Shirts so we can get some great pictures. See you all there.